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It was not drawn - it is a painting. And I cannot give you a date, since it took a couple of years, 1503-1505.

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Do you mean what time period?

If yes, then it's 1503-1506

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13y ago

The Mona Lisa, one of the most famous art paintings in all of art history, was created in approximately 1505. It is a mere 30" by 21", and hangs in the Louvre in Paris.

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Q: What time was Mona Lisa painted?
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*Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Di Vinci

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The Mona Lisa was painted through 1503-1507 by leonardo davinci.

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The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.

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Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

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The Mona Lisa was painted by the artist Leonardo da Vinci some time in the early fifteen hundreds. It resides at the museum Luvre in Paris. It was said to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini.

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The very famous artist Leonardo Vinci painted the greatest artist , has painted the Mona Lisa. The real thing that stands out in that painting is that Mona Lisa does not have eyebrows at all.

Where is the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci?

The Mona Lisa painting is in the Louvre Museum in Paris. But Leonardo painted it in Florence, Italy.

Who painted 'Mona Lisa'?

Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa and it is one of the most famous Paintings of all time. It is a painting of a woman who seems to smile and display the feminine beauty of the women of her time.