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Keep a note of what happens during the fit and at what time it occured. Time how long the fit lasts. Move objects away from the dog so he is not injured. Keep a cold cloth near by to wipe his face clean and keep him cool. My vet's have told me that his temperature does go up when they have had a fit and what works for my dog is a cold drink or ice cube. As well as washing him down with cool water. I keep him calm after the fit although he tends to pace and i tend not to make a fuss so he does not get excited. Act as though nothing has happened i don't make a big fuss of him so he does not become excited. Reading articles has told me that dog's do not remember what has happened to them. I have also read that in humans who have epilepsy it is often better to let nature take it's course and let the dog come round in his own time. So i watch over him until he's ready to come round. If the fit lasts longer than 10 minutes call the vet. My dog is epileptic and has fits of the grand mal type. Stay calm he will recover, althought it can be frigtening to watch. I always worried that he would not come out of the fits, but he has had the condition for 4 years now and has had many many fits, he has always come out of them. Vets are reasuring call if in doubt. Keep a bucket and mop handy for cleaning up afterwards !!!

Once settled down after an hour or so then my pet owner side kicks in and i make a fuss of him!!!


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13y ago

there isn't really allot you can do try to keep talking to your dog and say his name, repeatedly say it and stroke him/her until the fit has finished. after the fit comfort him/her and try to get them to drink some water

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