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Cells go through a cycle that has several distinct stages, called

M (for mitosis), G1 (first Gap or Growth stage), S (for DNA synthesis)

and G2 (second gap). The decision to divide is made during G1 stage,

when the cell "senses" that its growth conditions or status is OK to

divide. The real signal is not entirely clear yet; there are probably

several such signals that get integrated together to make the decision.

We are learning a lot about the machinery that then gets things moving;

I can supply more details if you wish. Once the decision in G1 is made

the rest of the cell cycle proceeds more or less like clockwork; 6-8 hours

for DNA synthesis, a few hours in G2 (to get ready to divide), and an

hour or so in Mitosis itself. Totally not mine, just trying to help.

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You need cyclin A to degrade and an increase in cyclin B/CdK1 in an inactive/phosphrylated form.

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After A cell splits and 1 of the 2 daughter cells grow, the cell goes into Interphase. After Interphase is Anaphase, which is the start of mitosis.

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Sufficient amount of mpf has to build up

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Q: What triggers the cell's passage from G2 checkpoint into mitosis?
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What can occur if there is a mutation in a checkpoint protein?

kutta kamina salaa penchod, teri maa dee kachiall.<-WTF IGNORE THAT If there are mutations in checkpoint proteins (such as in cancer cells), mitosis may proceed but the chromosomes may not be separated normally (resulting in "aneuploidy").

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Three sources of signals related to the regulation of cell growth and division are growth factors, hormone signals, and signals from neighboring cells. Growth factors are molecules released by cells that promote cell proliferation. Hormone signals, such as those from the reproductive system, can also influence cell growth and division. Signals from neighboring cells, called contact inhibition, can regulate cell growth by preventing cells from dividing when they come into contact with other cells.

What is the number of cells resulting from mitosis?

2 diploid cells

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What cells uses mitosis?

Somatic cells or body cells perform mitosis.

What types of cells does mitosis occurs?

Mitosis occurs in somatic cells. The main purpose of mitosis is to create two identical cells from one single cell.

How many cells are produced mitosis?

2 cells are formed after mitosis.

What is the name of the process that cells use to divide?

Mitosis is the process that produces new 2N cells from 2N cells Meiosis is the process that produces 1N reproductive cells.

How many cells do you end up with after mitosis and meiosis?

After mitosis you have two cells and after meiosis you have 4 cells.

What process makes body cells?

Mitosis makes body cells.

Mitosis occurs in what types of cells?

Mitosis occurs in body cells.

What is the process of somatic cells dividing into two diploid cells?

Mitosis. Zygote always divide by Mitosis