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because sun

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Q: What two things cause seasons?
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What two things cause the rivers in Bangladesh to flood?

Summer and Rainy seasons

What two things cause the seasons to change on earth?

There are two things that cause it which are the earths orbit and thetilt of the earths axis.

Does weather cause seasons?

Seasons cause weather.

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what are two cause of earths seasons

Does the suns revolutions cause the seasons?

no. the earths orbit cause the seasons

Does the sun's revolutions cause the seasons.?

no. the earths orbit cause the seasons

The sun's revolutions cause the seasons.?

The sun's revolutions cause the seasons.

What two things causes the seasons length of the day and temperature?

revolution and tilt

What does Earth's tilt on its own axis cause?

The change in seasons

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A low Birth Rate and environmental hazards are two things that can cause a population to decrease.

What two things can cause a population to decrease?

A low birth rate and environmental hazards are two things that can cause a population to decrease.

Besides from being near to the equator why do Philippines experience only two seasons?

cause Frank's a bastud