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Q: What type of exercises can you do for terrible back muscle spasms?
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What can cause back spasms with vomiting?

The main muscle that is involved with expelling the stomach contents (vomiting) is the Transverse Abdominus muscle. This particular muscle is the deepest abdominal muscle and is responsible for stabilisation, especially for the lower back. After ongoing vomiting, this muscle becomes fatigued and temporarily not be able to stabilise and support thus placing you at great risk of back injury and spasms.

Will pain killers help a pulled muscle in back or muscle relaxers and exercises?

muscle relaxers work best

Can fibromyalgia cause severe mid back spasms?

Yes. Muscle spams, whether in the back or elsewhere, are a common issue with Fibromyalgia. Muscle relaxers, muscle taping and massage are all treatments that may help.

What muscle cramps and muscle spasms symptoms of?

Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are both symptoms of a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. They can be painful and can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Muscle cramps are most common in the legs, especially the calves, but they can occur in any muscle in the body. Muscle spasms can also occur in any muscle in the body, but they are more common in the back and neck. The symptoms of muscle cramps and muscle spasms are similar, but there are a few key differences. Muscle cramps are typically more painful and can be accompanied by a visible bulge in the affected muscle. Muscle spasms are typically less painful and may not be accompanied by a visible bulge. Muscle cramps and muscle spasms can be caused by a number of different things, including: Dehydration Electrolyte imbalance Muscle fatigue Overuse of the muscle Holding a position for too long Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid disorders Certain medications Pregnancy If you experience muscle cramps or muscle spasms on a regular basis, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Here are some tips for relieving muscle cramps and muscle spasms: Gently stretch the affected muscle. Massage the affected muscle. Apply heat or ice to the affected muscle. Drink plenty of fluids. Rest the affected muscle. If the muscle cramp or muscle spasm is severe or does not go away after a few minutes, seek medical attention.

What are the most commin muscel spasms?

Back spasms are very painful cramps in the back muscles. The pain can be the consequence of overdoing it through an athletic workout or just moving erroneous while getting out of bed or even doing a household chore. Most of the back spasms will affect the lower area of the back. You can lighten the pain of a muscle cramp in the back through certain home remedies.

What are some good fitness exercises for someone with a pulled back muscle?

Mostly relax and move your neck slowly till the muscle adjusts itself again and then you can start to do some more exercises for that muscle. I hope this helps.

What muscle is developed when someone does pull down exercises?

When one does pull down exercises, they are doing a strength training exercise in which ultimately develops the latissimus dorsi muscle, also known as the back.

Is swelling in the lower back common in later stage of pregnancy?

No, swelling of the low back is not normal, although muscle spasms and low back pain are a common side effect of pregnancy.

Can you give me a sentence using the word spasms?

I have back spasms.

If you have a twitch on the left lower back what is it?

If you have a twitch on the left lower back, it might be a muscle spasm or even a pinched nerve. This could also be related to vertebral damage or back spasms in the muscles.

What kind of exercises can you do to get a larger and rounder butt?

squats,lunges and deadlifts(Its more for the back but its does build muscle in the glutes)