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Q: What type of poetic device is used in the description of the sun in Romeo and Juliet?
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What poetic device is used in the description of the sun in romeo and Juliet?

If you mean the line "the sun for sorrow will not show his head", it's a personification.

How does Juliet react to Romeos lyrical and poetic use of language and his declaration of love?

Juliet is captivated by Romeo's lyrical and poetic language as well as his declaration of love. She responds with equal passion and expresses her feelings for Romeo in a poetic manner. Juliet becomes enamored with Romeo's words and quickly falls in love with him.

What is the name of the poetic meter in romeo and Juliet?

iambic Pentameter

How many poetic devices does shakespeare use in romeo and Juliet?

All of them.

What did Romeo from Romeo and Juliet look like?

It is a play, so no such physical description is given

What is an example of poetic justice in Romeo and Juliet?

It is probably poetic justice that Tybalt, the bully swordsman who was looking for a swordfight with Romeo, ended up getting killed by him in a swordfight. It didn't work out so well for Romeo, though.

Why does the nurse not immediately tell Juliet about her visit with romeo?

Not in her job description.

How The nurse description of the fights leads Juliet to believe that Romeo?

The nurse's description of the fight and Tybalt's death leads Juliet to believe that Romeo has been killed. She interprets the news of Tybalt's death as a result of a confrontation with Romeo, and this misunderstanding causes her to despair.

Who is mercurtio?

Mercurtio was one of Romeo's friends. He was very poetic and had plenty of 'poetic' speech throughout the play before he got...killed in the fight where Romeo killed Tybalt after Mercurtio was killed by Tybalt. (Tybalt was Juliet's cousin).

What does romeo think about Juliet?

She loves him because it is a love story between romeo and Juliet. Then Juliet kills herself over Romeo's death so obviously she loves him very dearly!

Juliet lament at learning romeos identity suggests the workings of what device in the play romeo and Juliet?

Cosmic irony

What is the best description of the language shakespeare primarily uses in romeo and juliet?

Blank verse