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both types of rubrics have a rating scale: both general and specific rubrics

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Q: What type of rubric has a rating scale?
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What type of rubric contains a rating scale?

Hollistic Rubric

Which type of rubric contain a rating scale?

general scale. SUCK MY DICK!

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A holistic rubric involves a single global holistic rating that has a single score. An analytic rubric make the assessment more meaningful and clarifies the expectations. The various skills and abilities of the students must be determined when creating a rubric.

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What is the purpose of a rubric?

A rubric is a tool used by a teacher to give you a grade in most times it is a type of chart on a piece of loose leaf.

Who developed the F scale for rating tornadoes and what is the scale's highest rating?

The scale was developed by Dr. Tetsuya Fujita at the University of Chicago in 1971. Ths highest rating is F5.

Who developed the f-scale for rating tornado and what is the scales highest rating?

The F-scale or Fujita scale was developed by Dr. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita as the University of Chicago in 1971. The highest rating on the scale is F5.

What is the Graphic Rating Scale?

The Graphic Rating Scale is the simplest and most popular method for performance appraisal

How air pressure change by the type of tornado?

If by type you mean Fujita (F) scale rating, then generally the stronger the tornado the lower the pressure.

What is a specific rubric?

A rubric is a heading on a document or a set of instructions or rules (such as those telling you how to answer an examination paper).

Being in multiple categories is a characteristic of which type of rubric?

Being in multiple categories is a characteristic of an analytic rubric, where each criterion is scored separately and assigned to specific categories or levels of performance. This type of rubric enables a more detailed assessment of each aspect of the task being evaluated.