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Physiotherapy, to regain strength and mobility.

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Q: What type of therapy do animals need after surgery?
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Is relaxation therapy better to use at home or at the surgery?

As there are several different types of relaxation therapy, there are benefits for each type taking place at a surgery or at home. For example, yoga may be best if done at home or in a class, whereas flotation therapy would be most practical in some kind of specialist surgery.

What type of doctor performs surgery on eyelids?

You would need to consult a plastic surgeon for this type of surgery.

How expensensive it is for the surgery?

That would depend on the type of surgery and the reasons to which you want/need it.

What type of education do I need in order to practice art therapy?

You need to get special training in art therapy to practice art therapy. You can learn about qualifications, training and registration at

What methods can be used when treating cerebral palsy?

The most common treatment methods for cerebral palsy are therapies. The type of therapy would depend on the degree of cerebral palsy, but most often include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech/Language Therapy. It could also include music therapy, art therapy and educational services. If there are severe physical problems the child may need to see an orthopedic specialist and sometimes surgery is required to treat back and muscle problems.

An infant girl with strabismus is brought to the clinic Test show she can control both eyes independentlyWhat therapy will be tried before surgery?

the type of therapy is known as vision training (also known as eye exercises)

What type of physical therapy should be done after an acl replacement surgery?

After having an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) replacement surgery, your surgeon should send you to a physical therapist. The job of the physical therapist is to prescribe different exercises in order to properly heal after the surgery. The exact physical therapy program will differ between each patient, based on their individual results. Also, the length of your physical therapy program will depend on how you progress through the different exercises. It is important to see a physical therapist after surgery to make sure that your body heals properly. If your surgeon for some reason does not send you to a physical therapist, make sure to request one.

What do I need to know before I have surgery for spinal stenosis?

Be sure to talk to your doctor about recovery time, procedures, and physical therapy. Spinal surgery can be painful for the first few days, so ask about a pain medication that will allow you to get through your day without side effects. Before you have surgery for spinal stenosis, you should know several things. These include the treatment plan devised by your doctor, including rehabilitation time and the type of care you will need post-surgery. In addition a second opinion as to the necessity of the procedure is recommended.

Where do you go to get your colon cancer treatment?

You can find information about the colon cancer at the National Cancer institute. With that type of cancer, you will have some surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and vaccine therapy. There are also some clinical trials that accepts patients.

What are treatments for cervical cancer?

The various treatments for cervical cancer include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy depending on the type and stage of cancer that you've been diagnosed with.

What type of license or certification do you need to be occupational therapy?

To get a job in the field of occupational therapy, one will need the proper qualifications and documentation. One needs to be approved by the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

Why would one need oral maxillofacial surgery?

Oral maxillofacial surgery is often needed to treat diseases and injuries to the head, neck, face and jaw. One might need this type of surgery if they have neck cancer, for example.