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an enzyme (i answered my own question ha ha! progress!)

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12y ago

Protiens called helicases.

They allow for other proteins to make mRNA strands from the DNA template and are also used when DNA replicates.

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Q: What unwinds a segment of DNA to make mRNA?
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What is the dna segment of ugauuc from mRNA?

If you mean what is the DNA segment complimentary to the mRNA segment UGAUUC, it is ACTAAG.

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What unwinds the parental double helix for DNA and whats is the relationship between genes and DNA?

The enzyme Helicase A gene is a small segment of DNA

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The DNA sequence that would pair with the DNA segment TTACGC is AATGCG. The mRNA sequence that would pair with the DNA segment TTACGC is AAUGCG.

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Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to form DNA. mRNA

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The DNA segment 3' ATT 5' would be transcribed to the mRNA sequence 5' UAA 3'.

What is the enzyme that unwinds DNA prior to replication?

DNA Helicase unwinds the DNA strand in the specific location for it to be transcribed.

A segment of DNA has the following sequence TTAAGGCC. Which sequence of bases would be found on the complementary strand of mRNA?

The complimentary strand of MRNA would be AAUUCCGG.

What are the phases of transcription?

Initiation - Polymerase III, binds and unwinds DNA, transcription begins. Elongation - Base pairng occurs polymerase I, binds the new strands of mRNA. Termination - New mRNA released.

What does DNA start with?

There are two steps to protein synthesis: 1. Transcription - DNA unwinds, mRNA is made on the DNA template, the mRNA leaves the nucleus (through the nuclear pores) and goes to the ribosomes. 2. Translation - The mRNA moves along the ribosome where the information in the mRNA (codons) give the instructions for the sequence of amino acids in the protein that is being made. Once the amino acid sequence (protein, or "polypeptide") is complete, it detaches from the ribosome.