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civilization war

beter know as civil war

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Q: What war in which people from the same country fight each other?
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In case of war when people from the same country fight each other?


What is it called when people from the same country fight against each other?

Civil War

When people from the same country fight each other?

This is known as a Civil War.

A sport port in which two people fight each other?

a sport in which two people fight each other

What is a war in which people of the same country fight against each other called?

it took place on greece. which was the peloponessus war

But why did people want to fight with each other in World War 2 and how did it affect children families pets and orphans?

In World War 2, people wanted to fight in order to for them and their country to be safe.

Why was there wars?

maby cause they hate each other so they try to kill each other other wars are made bacause people want others wealth so both city or country fight

A fight happened that's why?

people get in a fight when they don't agree with each other and some other reasons.

Why did Mayans cities fight each other?

Cause of you people.

Why people mean to each another?

There are numerous reasons why people are mean to each other. The main reason is jealously. When people are jealous of each other they tend to fight.

How do people fight?

people start a fight by getting mad then using their hands and feet to hit, punch and kick each other.

What are three reasons for a country to go to war?

Three reasons a country could go to war is that people don't agree with each other so they say that their right and the other person says no I'm right. The second reason is that two people could get in a fight then other people will jump in. The last reason is that people are just dumb.