

Delphi is named after what goddess?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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The Delphi programming language was named after the Oracle of Delphi, the common name for the Pythia, the priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi in Greece. The Oracle database was a popular DBMS and, given that Delphi is based upon the Pascal programming language which focuses on database development, this tied in nicely with the phrase; "If you want to talk to the Oracle, go to Delphi."

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In Greek, the name of the site is Delphoi, and it means womb. The site was originally considered to be the navel of the earth, which is to say a connection to the womb of Gaea. As such it was sacred to her. The guardian of the site was Python, a monstrous snake, which Apollo killed in his youth.

After the death of Python, the site came to be known both as Delphoi and Pytho, and Apollo was given the similar epithet Delphinios, because his first visit to the site was in the form of a Dolphin.

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