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He sat weeping on the beach. (Odyssey, book 5, line 82. Was that your home assignment?)

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Cassandra McKenzie

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Q: What was Odysseus doing when Hermes doing arrived on the island of Calypso?
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What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island or Calypso?

Odysseus was weeping on the shore of Calypso's island, feeling trapped and longing to return home. Hermes arrived to deliver Zeus's message that Odysseus must be allowed to leave the island and continue his journey back to Ithaca.

What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island of cyclopes?

When Hermes arrived on Cyclopes Odysseus was crying of homesickness.

What was calypso doing when Hermes arrived on the island?

Singing and weaving

Who helps Odysseus get away from Calypso?

Hermes tells Calypso she must let Odysseus go.Calypso helps Odysseus build a raft to leave the island.

Why has Hermes traveled to Calypso's island?

In Book V of the Odyssey, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, travels to Calypso's island, where he tells the nymph of Zeus' decision that she has to let Odysseus go.

While Hermes is speaking with Calypso what is Odysseus doing?

During Hermes's conversation with Calypso, Odysseus is most likely waiting or exploring the island of Ogygia where Calypso resides. He may be reflecting on his journey home and longing to return to Ithaca.

What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island of calpyso?


Why is Calypso wary of Hermes' visit to her island?

She sensed she would have to let Odysseus leave.

Who is the god holding Odysseus on the island?

The god holding Odysseus on the island is Zeus. Zeus got angry at Odysseus and his men for eating the CATTLE of the sun god, Helios. Odysseus didn't eat the cattle, though. He survived, but his men (or crew) didn't. They died. They Odysseus floated to Calypso's island, Ogygia. Calypso loved Odysseus. They got a little "busy", but Odysseus still loved Penelope. Athena begged Zeus to make Calypso release Odysseus, since Calypso was trapping Odysseus on Ogygia. Zeus told Hermes (god messenger) to tell Calypso to let Odysseus go. She got the message, and agreed to release Odysseus. Odysseus built a raft, but while traveling, Poseidon destroyed it, since Odysseus blinded his son, the Cyclops, Polyphemus. For more information, GOOGLE works GREAT!!! Hope I helped! (:

How does Odysseus find out he is free of calypso?

Hermes, the messenger god, tells Calypso that Zeus has ordered her to offer Odysseus his freedom. If she does not do this then her whole island will sink to the bottom of Poseidon's oean.

How did Zeus help Odysseus?

Zeus sends Hermes to release him from calypso or Zeus will drown her island so he lets Odysseus be on his way

What message did Hermes deliver to calypso?

Hermes delivered a message from Zeus to Calypso, instructing her to release Odysseus from her island and let him continue his journey back home to Ithaca. Zeus ordered this in response to pleas from Athena and the other gods.