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Speak softly: inform other nations of how you would like them to behave.

Carry a big stick: have an overwhelming military advantage, so that your soft words carry an implied threat that is difficult to ignore.

If I remember my Junior High history book in the 50's, he was talking about our Navy.

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At the Minnesota state fair on September 2, 1901.

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Q: What was Teddy Roosevelt's policy speak softly and carry a big stick?
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Speak softly and carry a big stick ~Teddy Roosevelt

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Speak softly and carry a big stick ~Teddy Roosevelt

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What was Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy that came from a West African adage?

Theodore Roosevelt's policy was called Big Stick Policy. Also, known as Big Stick Ideology or Big Stick Diplomacy.The adage in reference:"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"

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Speak softly but carry a big stick, which was Theodore Roosevelt's statement not his nephew Franklin's

What was Teddy Roosevelt's diplomatic slogan?

okay hello people my name is bob dole and the answer to your question is speak softly but carry a big stick and that's the truth yeah what son get some.......

What was Roosevelts big stick diplomacy?

Roosevelt introduced the Big Stick Diplomacy during 1901. "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick."

Who was part of the big stick policy?

Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy was 'speak softly and carry a big stick."

What was Theodor roosevelts foreign policy?

Roosevelt Theodore wanted to make the United States a global power. His idea was to 'speak softly and carry a big stick'. He sought a powerful defense for his country to overcome conflicts with the enemies. He followed an aggressive foreign policy even though he had little support from the Congress.

What was the name given to roosevelts approach to foreign relations?

Roosevelt's approach to foreign relations was known as the "Big Stick Policy" or "Speak softly and carry a big stick." This approach emphasized negotiating peacefully while maintaining the willingness to use military force if necessary to protect American interests.

What phrase did rooservelt use to describe his foreign policy?

"Speak softly and carry a big stick."