

What was some of the belief of Humanism?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was some of the belief of Humanism?
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The idea of humanism challenged the established belief in Europe because it presented the notion that comfort and kindness in the here and might be preferable to an ambiguous reward in the afterlife.

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Humanists don't study anything; humanism is a belief, not a discipline.

Humanism marks a shift the belief that the gods determine peoples fates and the idea that humans have some measure of control over their lives?

away from,toward

Humanism marks a shift the belief that the gods determine people's fates and the idea that humans have some measure of control over their lives?

away from; toward

What is humanism and why did it increase during the Renaissance?

humanism is the belief that humans can help themselves with little help from God. it increased during the Renaissance because that was when the rebirth of culture happened

Is humanism an animsitic religon?

No. Animism is the belief that everything has a god within it: trees, rocks, rivers. Humanism does not believe in any form of deity, but ony in the achievements of the human race.