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The text of the Joint Statement that was later to be called the "Atlantic Charter" was issued as a press release at 9:00 a.m. in Washington, DC, on August 14, 1941 as per explicit instructions from Franklin D. Roosevelt to his press secretary, Stephen Early. It is often reported that this is the date that it was signed. It was never signed by either FDR or Churchill, but you will still find August 14, 1941 given as the date it was signed. However, the approval of the Joint Statement was given on the British side on August 12, 1941, so their history books claimed that the Atlantic Charter was signed on August 12, 1941. Again, it was never signed by anyone. It never existed as a legal, dated, signed document. It was a press release of ideals. To his credit, Stephen Early was merely following Roosevelt's explicit instructions when he was told to say that the statement had been signed by both Roosevelt and Churchill. Copies of the telegram containing those explicit instructions still exist. The image that comes to most Americans' minds is of the WWII Propaganda poster produced by the Office of War Information in 1943. It is OWI Poster No. 50; The Atlantic Charter.

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When was the Atlantic charter signed?

August 14, 1941 is the date usually quoted. However, there never has been a signed copy of the so-called "Atlantic Charter". That name was not even given to it by a socialist newspaper until about August 19, 1941. At a December 19, 1941 press conference, FDR stated, "No one ever sighed the Atlantic Charter."

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No. The Atlantic Charter rejected imperialism.

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They had quite a few agreements but the best known is probably 'The Atlantic Charter'.

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