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England's monarchal government high taxes and acts that forced Americans to house b. troops.

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Q: What was the Boston tea party and the Boston massacre in response to?
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Site of a massa care and a tea party?

In Boston there was a Boston massacre and the Boston Tea Party.

Witch came first the Boston Tea Party or the Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre happened in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party happened in 1773.

What were three similarities between the Boston massacre and the Boston Tea Party?

Both, the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre were protests of the tea tax.Both were against the BritishBoth took place in Boston

What was the verdict for the Boston Massacre?

Boston tea party

What was the theme of the Boston massacre?

Boston Tea Party

Who was affected by the Boston massacre?

After the Boston massacre was the Boston Tea Party/ tea act. They repealed all of the unpopular taxes on the colonists except tax on tea. That led into the Boston Tea party which began in 1773. Hope it helps you out!

When did the Boston tea party the Boston massacre and the tea act take place?


Response of tea act?

The Boston Tea Party.

What are 2 historical events that happened in Boston?

Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre

Who were the colonists disobeying when they participated in the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party?

the british

The Boston Tea Party was in response to what act?

The tea act

What was the aftermath of the Boston massacre?

The outcome of the Boston massacre was that it later lead to the Revolutionary war, and then the Boston tea party.