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An act passed in July of 1917 allowing postal athorities to ban treasonable or seditious newspapers, magazines, or printed materials fromt he mail. It also enacted severe penalties for anyone engaged in disloyal or treasonable actvities.

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It prohibited people from interfering with the recruitment of troops and giving out information. (1917)

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Q: What was the Espionage Acts?
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Who was targeted by the espionage and sedition acts?

The Espionage and Seditiona Acts targeted socialists and labor leaders.

What was the effect of the Espionage and Sedition Act in 1918?

What was the impact of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

Made treasonous and disloyal acts punishable?

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What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition Acts that were passed during World War 1?

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Why did labor leaders feel targeted by the espionage and sedition acts?

they felt like it

What was the Espionage and Sedition Acts of World War 1?

National security during wartime.

Are diplomats allowed to involve in espionage?

They're not "allowed" to, but diplomatic immunity generally protects them from prosecution for such acts. A "diplomat" who was caught performing espionage would likely be expelled.

How did the espionage and the sedition acts affect freedom of speech?

It made it dangerous to oppose the draft

What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

(d) were responsible for the arrest of 1500 Americans. The correct answer is supported in the text on page 678.

Were the Espionage and Sedition Acts justifiable in a time of war?

The justification of the Espionage and Sedition Acts during times of war is a subject of debate. Supporters argue that national security was a priority and these acts were necessary to protect it. Critics argue that these acts violated civil liberties, particularly freedom of speech, and were used to suppress dissent and stifle political opposition. Ultimately, whether these acts were justifiable depends on one's perspective and interpretation of the balance between national security and individual rights.

What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition-acts acts?

The purpose was to make sure that nobody disrespected the government or the efforts of war It created heavy punishments for those found interfering with military recruitment.

What were the limitations placed on freedom during world war 1?

look up the seditions and espionage acts of ww1 that should help