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Q: What was the compromise that needed to be reached for the Articles of Confederation to be ratified?
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At the convention to change the Articles of Confederation what major decision was reached early in the meetings?

dont no

What compromise was reached over the issue of slave trade?

The compromise that was reached over the issue of slave trade was "Three-Fifths Compromise's.

In addition to the Three-Fifths Compromise what other compromise was reached at the convention regarding slavery?

The Connecticut Compromise was reached at the convention regarding slavery

Who was in the article of confederation?

During the Revolutionary War, the Americansrealized that they needed to unite to win the war against Britain. So after they decided many things about what they wanted the government to be like, they reached a final plan called the Articles of Confederation.

Who was the author of the Articles of Confederation?

During the Revolutionary War, the Americansrealized that they needed to unite to win the war against Britain. So after they decided many things about what they wanted the government to be like, they reached a final plan called the Articles of Confederation.

What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

What compromise was reached at the Convention over Representation in Congress?

The "Great Compromise," literally.

What is an agreement reached in which each side gives up something that it wants?

It is called a compromise. Examples are the Great Compromise, and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Describe the compromise the delegates reached concerning representation by what name was this compromise known?

The compromise was known as the Connecticut Compromise. They reached this compromise by the delegates debating and then they came up with a legislature with two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. This is all about my homework ! lol ! i need help too !

Describe compromise the delegates reached concerning representation. By what name was this compromise known?

I believe it is called the three fifths compromise.

What compromise was reached concerning assumption of state debts and the site of the nations's capital?

Assumption Compromise

What compromise regarding slavery was reached by the delegates at the 1787 constitutional convention?

The three fifths compromise