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Edith Frank (Anne's mother) was only sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. She got separated from Anne and Margot when they were sent to Bergen-Belsen. She died in January of 1945 in Auschwitz-Birkenau of starvation.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

They all went to Auschwitz in Poland. Some stayed and some went to different ones, like Anne, Margot, and Mrs. van Pels, they went to Bergen-Belsen.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Bergen Belsen

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Q: What camps did Anne Frank's mother get sent to?
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What happened when Anne Franks family was found?

Anne Franks's family was sent to concentration camps, but only Otto Frank (Anne's dad) survived in the end. Anne and Margot died of Typhus just weeks before freedom. Otto died of old age. ♥R.I.P Frank Family♥

What group do the franks hide from?

The Franks hid from the Nazis during World War II in Amsterdam. They were a Jewish family, including Anne Frank, who hid in a secret annex in the building where Anne's father worked to avoid being captured and sent to concentration camps.

Where were the franks sent when they were caught?

they were split up into different concentration camps

Who was anne Frank's mum?

Anne Frank's mother was named Edith Frank-HollΓ€nder. She was a caring and supportive figure in Anne's life before they were both captured and sent to concentration camps during the Holocaust. Sadly, Edith did not survive her time in the camps.

Where were all the members hiding in the secret annex with Anne Frank get sent to?

The members of the secret annex, including Anne Frank, were sent to concentration camps like Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen during World War II. Anne Frank and her sister Margot died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen in March 1945.

What year was it when Anne Frank was sent to the camps?


Who turned in Anne Frank and what happen to them?

Another person staying with the franks in the annex owned a cat when the Nazi's came to check out the building the cat meowed giving them away, the franks and others staying with them were sent to concentration camps. Actually nobody knows

What did anne franks father die of?

anne Frank's mother died at the concentration camp she (and anne frank and her sister, margot) got sent to after getting caught in hiding.anne Frank's father survived the ordeals Jews got put through at the concentration camps and went on to publish anne franks diary (also known as The Diary Of A Young Girl), which became the world's most famous diary

When did Anne Franks get married?

anne frank never got married she was captured and sent to a camp were she died (at about the age of 14)

In The Diary of Anne Frank Where were all of the Jews sent?

to Concentration Camps

Was Anne frank sent to the left or to the right in concentration camps?


What was Anne Franks's first job?

Anne Frank's really did not have a first job. She was sent to a concentration camp at the age of 15 and died there.