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Q: What was the condition of the wounded soldiers when Florence Nightingale arrived in the Crimea?
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How long did it take florence nightingale to get to scutari?

Florence Nightingale took about 2 weeks to travel from England to Scutari, which is in modern-day Istanbul, Turkey. She arrived on November 4, 1854, ready to start her work in nursing wounded soldiers during the Crimean War.

Where did Florence Nightingale set up a hospital in the crimean war?

Florence Nightingale set up a hospital at the Barrack Hospital in Scutari, Turkey during the Crimean War.

What was the state of Scutari Hospital before Florence Nightingale?

Before Florence Nightingale arrived, Scutari Hospital in Turkey was in a state of disrepair and overcrowding. Sanitary conditions were poor, and medical care was lacking, leading to high mortality rates among soldiers. Florence Nightingale's efforts helped improve cleanliness, organization, and medical practices at the hospital.

A nurse maid who arrived on the east wind?

not the usual type of Clara Barton or Florence Nightingale- but well, yes, a Nurse maid in Nanny form- yes Mary Poppins. I never thought of it that way, but yes.

What is florence Nightingale's mum do?

Florence Nightingale was instrumental in sanitizing hospitals and bringing reforms to the way medical care was provided to patients. Nightingale began her work to reform hospitals during the Crimean War. When she arrived in Scutari, Turkey in 1853, she found the conditions at the military hospital there to be appalling. The men were kept in rooms without blankets or decent food. Unwashed, they were still wearing their army uniforms that were stiff with dirt and gore. As a result, diseases such as typhus and cholera were the main reasons why the death rate among soldiers was so high. Nightingale established more sanitary conditions, and ordered supplies, including clothing and bedding. Nightingale later began to focus more attention on administration than actual nursing. She applied her education and interest in mathematics to develop statistical analyses of disease and mortality, inventing the use of the pie chart. When she returned to England in 1856, she went to work on improving and reforming conditions in military hospitals in England. She also advocated for nursing education and the professionalization of nursing.

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They promised to protect their constitution!

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The British soldiers faced a serious problem of desertion by the troops.

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Confederate soldiers were headed to Gettysburg Pennsylvania seeking shoes. Inadvertently they encountered Union soldiers. This was the inception of the Battle of Gettysburg.

What did trenches look like before they arrived in them?

the soldiers dug the trenches them selves so they just looked like fields.

Did soldiers go to japan in world war 2?

US soldiers did not invade Japan until after the surrender, when they arrived as an occupying force. Japan was bombed into submission, rather than being invaded.

What is the pronoun for the soilders and their prisioners?

The personal pronouns that take the place of the noun phrase 'the soldiers and their prisoners' is they as a subject and them as an object in a sentence.Example:The soldiers and their prisoners arrived in trucks. They were directed to the secure area where sentries could check them in.