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Q: What was the date of Warren G. Harding's wedding?
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What was Warren G. Hardings parents jobs?

both are doctors

What were the occupations of Warren G. Hardings parents?

both were doctors

Is Warren G. Hardings daughter dead?

Yes. She died in 2005.

When was Warren G hardings birth?

Warren G Harding was born on November 2,1865 near Marion Ohio in a town now called Blooming Grove Ohio.

How old was Warren G. Hardings wife?

Her age varied but she was always somewhat more than 5 years older than Warren.

What was Warren G. Hardings ethnicity?

Don't know, but Harding, our 29th President, had a great-grandmother who was African American.

What was Warren G. Hardings goal being president of the US?

He wanted to support teh growth of business and industry. ~ApÈx

What was Warren G. Hardings economic policy?

harding sought to cut the federal budget and decrease taxes on the wealthy population

Who was the Massachusetts governor and Warren G. Hardings vice presidential running mate in the election of 1920?

He was Calvin Coolidge who became the president after Harding suddenly died.