

What was the eureka stockade built with?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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easy it was built with wood it created the stockade perimeter with wooden wallsabout 2m high and most living areas were tents and there was the flag raised in the middle

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Q: What was the eureka stockade built with?
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What year was the Eureka Stockade built?

The Eureka Stockade was built in 1854.

Why was the Eureka Stockade built?

The Eureka Stockade was buikt by the miners as a stockade, from which they planned to defend themselves against licence arrests.

Where was the eureka stockade built?

The makeshift defence known as the Eureka Stockade was built in the gold-mining town of Ballarat, in Victoria, Australia.

Why was the stockade built?

The Eureka Stockade was buikt by the miners as a stockade, from which they planned to defend themselves against licence arrests.

What was the Eureka stockade made out of?

The Eureka Stockade was merely a lightweight, ramshackle fence-like construction built of timber and carts. It was not built to be a fortress, just an enclosure to keep the miners together.

What did the Eureka Stockade look like?

The Eureka Stockade was merely a lightweight, ramshackle fence-like construction built of timber and carts. It was not built to be a fortress, just an enclosure to keep the miners together.

What year did the Eureka Stockade start?

The Eureka Stockade occurred in 1854.

What is population of Eureka stockade in 1854?

The Eureka stockade was a temporary stockade, not a town with any sort of population.

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what was the key physical features of the eureka stockade

When was the Eureka stockade in Ballarat?

The Eureka Stockade occurred on 3 December 1854.

Did Peter Lalor attack the Eureka Stockade?

No, Peter Lalor was the leader of the Eureka Stockade.

How long would it take to find gold in the eureka stockade?

There was no gold in the Eureka Stockade.