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The exile of Judah (the tribe of Yehudah) is the same thing as the Babylonian Exile, which took place for seventy years, some 2500 years ago. The Babylonians, who destroyed the First Temple, exiled the people of Judah to Babylon; and they were allowed to return to Israel (Judea) seventy years later, under Cyrus. (Actually, it involved the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The other ten Israelite tribes weren't involved, since they had already been exiled 133 years earlier, and ended up in more distant locations.)

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12y ago

exile from Israel. there isn't and never was a country called palastine, its a wword the brits came up with during the british mandate.

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Q: What was the exile of Judah?
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What country took Judah into a time of exile?

The Babylonians took th country of judah into a long exile.

What period begun after the fall of Judah?

The Babylonian exile.

When was the Destruction of Exile of Southern Kingdom Judah?

586 B.C.

Which of the two Israelite kingdoms went into exile first - Israel or Judah?

Israel, comprising ten of the twelve Jewish tribes, was exiled 133 years before Judah was exiled.

Did Judah and Benjamin became one tribe of people?

During the period of the later Kingdom of Judah and the Exile, the Tribe of Benjamin merged into the much larger Tribe of Judah, but this was more of a cultural absorption than any proclamation or intent.

What would a Jew be called when Jesus was around?

The people of Judah prior to the Babylonian Exile were known as Israelites, mostly of the Tribe of Judah. After the return from Exile, they came to be known as Jews, although in Persian, Aramaic, Greek or Latin, not English, which didn't yet exist. They referred to others as gentiles (families).

What exile was Jews held into?

The only exile of Jews (Judah) occurred with Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. They were subjected to a 70 year captivity under the king of Babylon. You can read of this in the book of Jeremiah and other prophets. If you are referring to the exodus that included all 12 tribes of Israel, not just Judah it's self.

Characteristics of Deuteronomistic History?

The common characteristic of Deuteronomistic history is that the Bibilical books talk about the end of the kingdom of Judah and the beginning of the Babylonian exile.

What nation threatened judah during the time of jeremiah?

The nation that threatened Judah during the time of Jeremiah was Babylonia, specifically the Neo-Babylonian Empire led by King Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonians invaded Judah multiple times and eventually destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BCE, leading to the Babylonian exile of the Jewish people.

How many temples of King Solomon have there been?

The only Temple attributed by the Jews to King Solomon is the Temple destroyed by the Babylonians after the defeat of Judah and the exile of the Jews .

What was the common language of the Israelites before they were taken into exile in Babylon?

Greek was at least to some extent a trade language in the region. The people from Judah spoke Hebrew only.

What is pre- exilic?

Pre-exilic refers to the time before the exile. If you are talking about Jewish kingdoms in the Holy Land, the pre-exilic kingdoms are the Davidic Kingdom and then the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Then came the Babylonian Exile. Any person or people suffering an exile can be described as having pre-exilic and post-exilic times.