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The first car was invented in the year of 1769 by a French man named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, who build it under his instructions in the Paris Arsenal by Mechanic Brezin. The car only had 3 wheels and was used to carry heavy artilary during war. The car could go up to about 22 miles per hour and was powered by steam.


America's first gasoline-powered commercial car was made by Charles and Frank Duryea who built their first motor vehicle in 1893, in Springfield, Massachusetts. By 1896, the Duryea brothers had sold thirteen models of the Duryea, an expensive limousine, which remained in production into the 1920s.

The first automobile to be mass produced in the United States was the 1901, Curved Dash Oldsmobile, built by the American car manufacturer Ransome Eli Olds. He also invented the concept of the assembly line and started the automobile industry in Detroit. He first began making steam and gasoline engines with his father in Lansing, Michigan in 1885. Olds designed his first steam-powered car in 1887. In 1899 Olds moved to Detroit to start the Olds Motor Works, and produce low-priced cars. He produced 425 "Curved Dash Olds" in 1901, and was America's leading auto manufacturer from 1901 to 1904.

American car manufacturer, Henry Ford invented an improved assembly line and installed the first conveyor belt-based assembly line in his car factory in Highland Park, Michigan plant, about 1913. The assembly line reduced the cost to make cars by reducing the time it took to assemble a car. Ford's famous Model T was assembled in ninety-three minutes. His success came after he formed the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He introduced the Model T in 1908 and it was a success. When he installed the moving assembly lines in his factory in 1913, Ford became the world's biggest car manufacturer. 15 million Model Ts had been manufactured by 1927.

Henry Ford: " Any customer can have a car painted any color he wants so long as it is black."

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