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Q: What was the first electrical game console?
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What was the first console out?

Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game console.

Is Atari a game console or company?

Atari is a game company that named their first console the Atari.

What was the first video game console called?

A game Boy Actually, the first video game console was called the Magnavox Odyssey and was released in 1972.

What was the first console ever made?

The first home video game console was the Magnavox Odyssey.

Which game console debuted the franchise Mortal Kombat first?

The Super Nintendo game console debuted the Mortal Kombat game.

What was special about the Fairchild Channel F video game console?

The Fairchild Channel F video game console was special in being the first video game console and the first to use a microprocessor. It was released in August 1976.

What is the first ever game console?


What is the first nintedo console?

the first game consle was a gameboy

Who invented the first console and what year?

If by "console" you mean "home video game console," then it was probably the Magnavox Odyssey (first prototype 1968, Ralph Baer).

What Was the First games Console made By Sega?

The first video game console made by Sega was the SG-1000, but it was only released in Japan (and Australia). The first game console by Sega to be released in North America was the Sega Master System

What is the first video game console?

The Brown Box.

What was the name of the first ever game console?
