

What was the first ever kind of shark in the world?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The oldest fossilized shark remains that have been found are teeth, identified as the megalodon.

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Q: What was the first ever kind of shark in the world?
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The Shortfin Mako Shark

What kind of shark is in the Jurassic shark movie?

Megalodon. It's literally the first word in the movie.

Which kind of shark in the largest member of the shark family?

Its called Megalodon.The largest shark ever to live/the teeth wear up to 7 Inches.And Fed on whales.

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In general it is the Blue Shark, but the world record for the longest shark migration was snatched up by a Great White!

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The Megalodon shark which is Greek for "big tooth" .

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What kind of shape is a shark?

Triangle. A shark is definitely a triangle.