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In December 1968, Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to reach the moon and return safely. The astronauts aboard did no make a moon landing.

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Q: What was the first space rocket to reach the moon and return safely?
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Why is Saturn v rocket important to the Apollo space?

The purpose of the Apollo spacecraft ,was to fly in space to the moon and also to land on it. we all no that right

How did the first rocket reach the moon?

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Where did the first rocket in space go?

The first rocket to reach "space" was a German V-2 (the A4 rocket weapon) launched during World War II. According to test records, the first rocket to reach "space" was likely the fourth test launch on October 3, 1942.

When did professor Joseph godard invent the first rocket to reach space?

Goddard did not create a rocket that went into space. He created the first liquid fuel rocket which was which lead to space rockets and for this is known as the father of modern rocketry. The first rocket to reach space was the V2 rocket made by the Germans during World War 2 as a weapon to deliver bombs.

What is the name of the first rocket in space?

The first rocket to reach space was the German V2 in the 1940s. The first spacecraft to achieve orbit was the Soviet Sputnik, launched in 1957.

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The velocity of rocket must reach 16x than the gravitational force of Earth to establish an orbit in space.

What was the name of the first rocket made?

If you mean the first to reach space, they say that a V2 German rocket reached Low-earth-orbit during testing in 1942.

When was the first space rocket launched?

The first rocket to reach "space" was a German V-2 (the A4 rocket weapon) launched during World War II. According to test records, the first rocket to reach "space" was likely the fourth test launch on October 3, 1942. The first USSR (Russian) space satellite was Sputnik 1 in 1957, followed by the first US space satellite, Explorer 1, in 1958.

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The passive form of "Did you reach your home safely?" is "Was your home reached safely by you?" which is very awkward indeed.

When did the first rocket enter space?

the first rocket to reach "space" was likely the fourth test launch on October 3, 1942. it was a German V-2 launched during WW2.

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A single is a hit that allows the batter to reach first base safely.

What would happen if a rocket did not drop its first stage?

The rocket would be carrying extra dead weight and likely would not have enough fuel to reach its destination.