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Hitler influenced many people life during the War, he put the rascism idea in Germany which made all the Germany to hate Jewish. He made a big Genocide on the people whom he believed that they were Jewish. He put the idea of hatred among peoples and nations..

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Q: What was the influence of Hitler's regime on the world during the war?
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During World War 2 the Nazi regime governed Germany under the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler.

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They were exterminated by the Nazi regime.

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Hitler committed suicide in 1945, so he did not survive WW 2 and have any influence on Germany post-WW 2.

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Yes, it was a major tactical mistake.

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The Jewish people were subjected to genocide by the Nazi regime under Hitler .

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Hitlers invasion of russia took place on June 22,1941 during the second world war.

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Hitlers role at the end of the war? HA. He killed himself.

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