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The Fugitive Slave Act. It was part of the Compromise of 1850.

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Q: What was the law called that required northerners to help southerners catch their slaves?
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How did the southerners and northerners react to John Brown's raid?

Southerners were outraged at John Brown's attempt to steal weapons and ultimately free slaves, while northerners called him a hero and martyr. They believed that he died to for the cause of the abolition of slavery.

How did northerners and southerners feel about slavery in general?

The northerners felt slavery was bad, although they bought cotton from the south that the slaves made. The southerners felt slavery was very useful to make and sell goods.

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Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

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Briefly put, most Southerners wanted to continue the right to own slaves and most Northerners did not like the practice and did not want to see it extended to new states that came into the union. A fairly large number of Northerners were strongly against slavery and wanted to abolish it throughout the country as soon as possible. Some Southerners had objections to slavery but respected the right of others to keep their slaves.

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Abolitionist fanatics, ready to arm the slaves for a nationwide rebellion.

What southerners called for to protect their right to own slaves?

Southerners called for secession from the union.

What was the Emancipation?

The emancipation was when Abraham Lincoln said all slaves held by southerners were free to go. It did not make them citizens, nor did it let slaves held by northerners go.

What act required northerners to capture runaway slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Law.

What law did the Southerners demanded that Congress pass that said Northerners had to return runaway slaves to their owners?

== == That was The Fugitive Slave Act.