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Q: What was the main argument for including a statement of individual rights for the Constitution?
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Related questions

What are arguments for amending a Bill of Rights to the original Constitution?

The argument for adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was to protect individual freedoms of the citizens.

What is a statement of a viewpoint supporting one side of an argument called?

A statement of a viewpoint supporting one side of an argument is called a position or assertion. It represents the opinion or stance taken by an individual or group in favor of a particular perspective or belief.

What is a logic argument?

A logic argument is a statement of logic. The term "argument" means a statement that could be true or false. A Statement that has not been tested as true or false is known as a theory. Logic is the term meaning the structure of an argument or statement and how it applies in its use.

What is Anthony's intention in including this quotation in her speech?

She wants to refer to the words of the Constitution to give her own argument persuasive power.

A major argument against ratification of the constitution was the absence of?

The major argument was the absence of a bill of rights in the Constitution

What is a logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true?

A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a proof.

What is the correct order for Rogerian Argument Your argument Introduction Benefits to Society Conditions Section Conclusion SolutionCompromise Section Opposition's argument?

Introduction, Summary of Opposing Views, Statement of Understanding, Statement of Your Position, Statement of Context and Statement of Benefits.

What is a summation statement?

It concludes your argument

Define thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence that presents your argument to the reader.

What is a thesis statement made of?

A topic and an argument.

Why did the Antifederalists oppose the Constitution?

The antifederalists opposed the constitution because their leading argument, however, centered on the constitutions lack of protection for individual rights. Gabriel Marrerothe anti federalists didn't want the union to have a strong central government, but wanted more power for the individual states. the constitution was lacking a Bill of Rights, which is why the anti-federalists agreed when that was later added.

What is a logical argument arranged with statements and reasons?

A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a two column proof.