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Clothing of the time was made of wool or linen. Cotton wasn't used until much later.

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Q: What were the clothing made of in the 13 colonies?
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What was the clothing of the middle colonies?

The clothing in the middle colonies was made out of cotton and linen. The wealthy had clothes that were made out of fine materials.

What did the children wear for clothing in the 13 colonies?

Nothing. (-:

Who made the clothing in the colonies?

The woman

What did the dressmakers from the 13 colonies do?

they made dresses and other clothing for the colony

Which colonies made up the southern colony?

Georgia, the Carolina's, Virginia, and Maryland.

How many colonies were made when the colonists moved to America?

13... the thirteen original colonies

What natural feature made westward expansion difficult for the 13 colonies?

The western border of the 13 colonies was formed by the Appalachian Mountains.

Where did European country that controlled the 13 colonies?

no, it was founded by settlers from James town and they claimed land 1 by 1. after they had 13 they made up the 13 colonies

What was life like in New jersey in the 13 colonies?

Getting wood for fire,making clothing,and so on with chores

Who was the president when the 13 colonies were made?

They were British Colonies and a United States had not yet been dreamed of.

How many colonies were there in the 13 colonies?

There were seven royal colonies.

Who made the cloth and clothing in the colonies?

Women and Children were the ones who made most of the colonist clothing, but it took a year to make the fabric and outfit from scratch. Richer people also bought British imports for fancy clothing.