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Q: What was the name of the British spy hanged during the Revolution?
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Who has a name that starts with the letter o in the American Revolution?

Brigadier General Charles O'Hara was a British army officer who led British forces during the war.

What did the British name their Revolutionary War?

The Glorious Revolution.

Who was the spy that was captured and hung by the British in the revolutionary war?

During the American War for Independence, British Major John AndrÉ is hanged as a spy by U.S. military forces in Tappan, New York. But, many people think that it was really Benedict Arnold. The truth is that Arnold could not be found, for he was the one who was going to get hanged originally. They could never find Arnold, so they hung Andre instead.

What was the nickname given to British soldiers?

Tommy Atkins or more commonly known "tommies"During the American Revolution, British troops were known as both "Redcoats" and "Lobsterbacks."

Is there anyone with a z in their name during the revolution?

There was a person with a z in their name during the American Revolution. Herzogtum Zweibrucken was a leader of the Regiment Royal Duex-Ponts.

What is another name for British solidgers?

If you mean British soldiers, you could replace British with United Kingdom or UK and soldiers with troops, infantry, military or army personnel.They were nicknamed Tommies in the past century. During the American Revolution they were "redcoats" due to their uniforms.

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What is the name of the war that is involved between the Americans and the British after the American Revolution?

The War of 1812.