

What was the origin of Islam?

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13y ago

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When people actually started believing Islam was when the Prophet Muhammad (S) become appointed a Prophet at the age of 40. It was then that Allah (SWUT) revealed the Quran too him.

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Q: What was the origin of Islam?
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What is the origin of Muslim?

It depends on how the question is read:What ethnicity or world-origin are Muslims?The Muslims are not restricted to a particular origin. Islam is for all human beings. It is above caste, color, or geographical boundaries. Any human being who embraced Islam is the honorable member of Islamic society having equal rights. Islam is above racial discrimination.Where did the modern religion of Islam originate?The religion of Islam which has as its center the Qur'an and the Hadiths was founded by Mohammed in the years 610-632 CE in what is now western Saudi Arabia (specifically the cities of Mecca and Yethrib-Medina).