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To demonstrate Soviet superiority in rocket booster power and navigational precision ...

making it easier for them to plant a nuclear device on the territory of other countries.

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Q: What was the purpose of launching the sputnik 1?
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What is launching of sputnik?

Sputnik I, was the first earth-orbiting artificial satellite. It was launched into low Earth orbit by the Soviet Union October 4, 1957. One month after the launching of Sputnik I, on November 3, 1957, Sputnik II, a satellite weighing 1,120 pounds and containing the dog "Laika" was sent into orbit.

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Launching of Sputnik

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Space age started the launching of Sputnik I on October 4,1957

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What inspired Vance Coffman to study science?

the launching of Sputnik first inspired him to study science.

How did The Launching of Sputnik 1 lead to Cold war?

It didnt lead to the cold war, it led to the space race. The cold war was a time of tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and they were during the same time, but Sputnik 1 didnt cause the cold war.