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Ancient Creek or ancient Egypt or any civilization: All got profits/and messengers from God to ask them to follow guidance: the path of God, and submit to his one's, and his orders (through profits and books) to make their life happy and clear of cumbersome. But human natures: they forget, and they slowly divert from the right path till they become completely or partially a stray, where they start using idols as mean of communicating with god, or partner with him certain creatures like cows, insects as seen in India, etc.., and accordingly, they will have a hard time to accept the change or the new profit guidance, so the number of believers/followers are small, and the will be facing the challenges and the punishments of others, You can see that in the messages of Jesus, Moses and Mohammad. And the first question all these profits are faced with is: ARE you going to change us from what we had found our fathers at?. (as stated by Farrow of Egypt to Moses, and the Jews to Profit Jesus, and the Jews that were waiting for the last (sealed) to profit Mohammad.

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Q: What were some religious rituals in ancient Greece?
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