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Q: What were the first settlers to arrives at Plymouth in search of?
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What did the first settlers to arrive at Plymouth come to search for?

The first settlers to arrive at Plymouth were looking for a place where they could preserve their culture and worship freely.

What ship brought first settlers to new Hampshire?

The Jonathon

When did settlers 'first' arrived at Plymouth?

britney spears and hannah montana

What is the name of the cape first sighted by Plymouth settlers?

cape cod

Where was the first settlement in New England?

Plymouth was the first settlement in Massachusetts.

Approximately what fraction of the Plymouth residents were alive after the first winter there?

1/2 of the pilgrims survived the first winter

Which is the oldest American holiday?

The first Thanksgiving was held in 1621, one year after the first English settlers landed at Plymouth.

what did the first settlers to arrive at Plymouth come in search for?

The Pilgrims were a discriminated against and often arrested. The state religion ( one reason we don’t have a state religion) demanded that everyone belong to it. Catholic services were held in hidden places, basements, attics, and hid priests. Pilgrims wanted to worship their way.

Who were the important people at the first thanksgiving?

Who were the 2 people who attended the first Thanksgiving

Who helped the settlers at Plymouth survive the first winter?

Squanto (an Indian) taught them how to plant, fish and find their way around.

What is the difference between Jamestown and Plymouth?

Jamestown was founded first, and was a financial venture (they hoped to make money) Plymouth was settled for religious reasons. First settlers at Jamestown were all men, some of the first settlers at Plymouth were women.

The region where the Massachusetts Bay Colony was begun?

Pilgrim settlers from England first intended to settle Provincetown, MA, but gave up the idea in favor of settling Plymouth, MA. Plymouth became the first permanent English settlement in MA in 1620.