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Q: What were the main issues involved in the compromises made over slavery?
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What system replaced the plantation in the south?

Replacing the instution of plantations (slavery) was not an easy proposition because the economic interests involved made it more difficult and complex. Up to the sectional conflicts that divided the young nation, there were to many issues with the attempts at compromises that evaded real issues of (slavery, freeedom, removal of Indians, open new vast lands, profits to be made, manifest destiny, etc.); and even sharecropping did not resolve the conflicts between ideals enshrined in the key founding documents, practices, implementation of policies, etc.

What was the purpose of the of the The Missouri Compromise?

There were two Missouri Compromises. They were created in 1820 and 1850. Both of them were reached in order to maintain a balance between States that had abolished slavery and those States were slavery still existed. The compromises served and had a noble purpose. They were not made to in effect to justify slavery. The purpose of both of them was to avoid a serious conflict among the States. When seen in that light, the compromises delayed a civil war in the United States.

What compromise made by the founding fathers left a terrible burden?

your teacher is a liberal, half the colonies would not have joined if there wasnt a compromise on slavery, america probably wouldnt exist. If there hadnt been a compromise then the south would have developed into a country where slavery was completely acceptable instead of what it is now.

What were the slavery issues in 1862?

There is alot of issues that was caused by slavery in 1862, but i am only going to tell u two. The first one is it made families break up and it made states split up......

What was the purpose of the US congressional compromises leading up to the US Civil War?

Compromises between the North and the South began with the writing of the US Constitution, however, in the 19th century, three major compromises were made between the North and the South. The purpose of the compromises were to keep the number of free states and slave states equal in number. The last compromise can be said to be the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. There citizens would vote on slavery in there own territories. The US Congress, thereby washed its hands of the old style compromises. The people within territories would vote on the issue, Congress retreated from the slavery issue battle.

What is moral slavery?

Moral slavery can be defined as the morality issue that was deemed to exist between a slave and the master. Friedrich Nietzsche made an attempt to define the issues of morality in relation to slavery.

What factors made slavery in the US an issue before 1850?

morals, politics, economy, and legal issues

How did the Missouri Compromise relate to '' sectionalism ''?

Both Missouri Compromises, the one in 1820 and the following one in 1850, recognized that sectionalism that already existed. The acts of compromises were made to place these sectional issues on the "back burner" so to speak, so that the Federal government could function properly in other areas not associated with slavery. The recognition that sectionalism was not going to disappear, however, should have been a wake up call.

Did the compromises congress made effectively address slavery and sectionalism?

The Compromise of 1850 did not offer a permanent solution to the slavery question because the "Fugitive Slave Law" that was part of it was not enforced by Northern states, leading Southern political leaders faced with no choice but to secede. With this secession came the inevitable Civil War that would answer the question of slavery once and for all.

Did the compromises that congress made effectively address slavery and sectionalism?

The Compromise of 1850 did not offer a permanent solution to the slavery question because the "Fugitive Slave Law" that was part of it was not enforced by Northern states, leading Southern political leaders faced with no choice but to secede. With this secession came the inevitable Civil War that would answer the question of slavery once and for all.

What was the promise of the Missouri Compromise?

The idea behind the two Missouri Compromises was to ensure that the number of free US States and those where slavery would be legal would be balanced. The Compromise of 1820 seemed realistic at the time. However, the growth of the United States, and the general public's distaste for slavery, made such an equal balance impossible.

How did the tariff conflict get resolved?

The tariff conflict was resolved through negotiations and compromises between the involved parties. This typically involves discussions to find a mutually acceptable solution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved in the conflict. Sometimes, concessions are made on both sides to reach a resolution.