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All types of Tigers, all kinds of Leopards, Lions, all types of Lynx, Caracal, Barbary Serval, Snow Leopards(which are not really leopard, they're totally different species of cat), Ocelot, Puma, Jaguar, Panther (which is a black Jaguar or Leopard) are all endangerd, plus more. All the cats have different percentages left, so it depends which cat you're talking about.

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Q: What wild cats are endangered and what is the percentage of these cats left in the wild?
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Are some cats endangered?

Many wild cats are endangered, like the tiger. There are only a few left because people are killing them.

What is a family of wild cats?

A family of wild cats could be some wild cats, but they are family. Or wild cats like the Ocelot (a kind of endangered wild cat) breed with a tamed cat to make another breed of tamed cats, like the Ocicat (and Ocelot breed with a tabby)

Are cotton-top tamarin endangered?

They are critically endangered. There are 1000 left in the wild and 1800 left in captivity.

How many little spotted cats are left in the wild?

Many spotted cats are kept as pets and their is alot of them still left in the wild

Why are turtles an endangered species?

if they are endangered it means there are only a few hundred left in the wild

What happens if some more cats in the wild became endangered?

We will have to save them to increase their numbers

How many Asian wild dogs are left?

An endangered species, the Asian wild dog, (dhole) is down to around 2500-3000 left in the wild.

What endangered stage is the snow leopard?

there is 4000 to 6500 left in the wild

Is there any endangered species of horses?

Yes, there is one, Equus ferus przewalskii(Przewalski's Wild Horse), is critically endangered. None are thought to be left in the wild.

What is the largest endangered species?

the most endangered animal in the word is the californian vulter... there is only 30 left in the wild

What is the most endangered big cat?

White Lions. They are very endangered species of Big Cats. There are only a few in the world, and they are in captivity. Because, if they live in the wild, their pack (that they are born into) will not except them.The saharan cheetah. They live in the Saharan Desert and most of them are gone. There are only a few left in the wild.

How many siamangs are left in the wild?

There are around 22,390 siamangs left in the wild. The siamang are a species of primate that are endangered. They are known for their throaty calls.