

Best Answer
  • Hybrid cars have high voltage, high current lines running through the car, which in a crash may become exposed. Emergency crews have to be educated on each model of hybrid on how to make the car safe before extricating the occupants. Happily, the lines are heavily shielded and the likelihood of being electrocuted is small.
  • Eventually the battery pack will wear out, although research has indicated that at least 130,000 miles can be covered before any appreciable loss of storage capacity will occur.
  • There has to be a place to put the battery, which in some hybrids can be quite large, so there's a compromise on space inside the car to fit the battery.
  • Don't believe the manufacturers hype about fuel mileage, as hybrids are much more sensitive to the way you drive and where you drive with regards to fuel consumption. Hybrids are best in the city, and worst on the highway for fuel consumption.
  • Hybrids cost more than conventional cars because of the advanced technology they contain.
  • Diesel technology can produce cars that are just as efficient as hybrids, and they can cost less because they don't use the advanced control systems and batteries that hybrids require. Problems with emissions can be overcome with particulate filters and special additives.
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