

What words end with vowel then o?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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  • halo
  • hello
  • polo
  • weirdo
  • silo
  • bravo
  • solo
  • piano
  • tattoo
  • zero
  • shampoo
  • bongo
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Q: What words end with vowel then o?
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What words end with vowel-o?

Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero

What do you use after a short vowel?

In words like "slope", the "e" at the end indicates that the "o" is long, whereas in "slop" it would be short. In the case of words like "slope", the "e" itself is not pronounced at all. A short vowel is usually, but not always, followed by a consonant. There are some words that end in a short vowel. There is no general rule for this. The vowel "o" at the end of a word is long. In words that derive from Latin, the vowel "i" at the end is long. The vowel "u" at the end of a word is long, examples being "zebu" and "malibu". Otherwise in English there is no indication in the spelling as to whether a vowel is long or short; it is necessary to learn the correct pronunciation for each word.

Is lock a short o vowel?

Yes, the O in lock is a short vowel. In words with a single vowel, and words ending in "ck," the vowel is almost always short.

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Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero

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Does trouble have long vowel sound?

no. long vowel sound means it the vowel in the word sounds like it does by itself. examples: bay, cake (the a), show, phone (o), coca cola (the o's), blue (u). normally, words that end in e have long vowel sounds, like blue and cake and bike and phone and cede.

What words have the same vowel sound as bold?

The vowel sound is a long O, and can include words with an O, an O with a silent E, an OE, an OA, or an OUGH. Also the French spellings eau, eaux, and aux. These include:arrowalsobeauboneboatbowlcombcoltdonatedoseegoenrollfauxfoamgoatgoalholehomehalohosthellohoboholdjokekoalalowmolemostnopeopalpoemposterponypokepollPopequoteroadsoldiersoapsilosoultoestoadtoasttonetoteutopiavotewokeyokezone

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What are the sample words of vowel sounds?

Some sample words for the short vowel sounds are listed below: a - cap e - bet i - kit o - not u - cut If you want to make those words into words with long vowel sounds see this list: a - cape e - beet i - kite o - note u - cute You might notice that in each example an e was added to the word to make it a long vowel sound. Did you notice that the extra e in beet is not at the end of the word like the others? It works that way sometimes.