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Perhaps cut taxes or a progressive conservative might enact tort reform.

A true Conservative answer:

A true conservative would understand the values and privileges we have been granted by our founding fathers. They would tend to try for as many rights being kept as possible and to allow the private sector to do what it does best, rather then taking over 1/6th of our economy.

We have basically had no Conservative in office for over a decade. During this time we have also enjoyed a very stable economy with no inflation over more then 24 years. (Due to This has allowed individuals to become complacent and not understand what it means to be free or at least allowed to take our freedom for granted!) We are now allowing our Government to slowly take away freedoms. This started shortly after 9/11.

Health care reform would entail a restructuring of the private insurance combined with the current public system we have in place. Much like most of Europe has now. We currently have a public option for people too ill or poor to obtain the care they need. There is no logical need, other then the ability to control the population for "health cost" reasons, to takeover and bankrupt the country.

What a true leader would provide is more affordable care by allowing the private sector to compete.

The second thing that has been suggested by conservatives is to allow pooling of small groups. This used to be legal until the Carter administration decided that it was unfair to the insurance companies. Allowing the pooling of several small companies allows pre-existing conditions and larger pool discounts. This was legal until the Carter Administration.

The third issue would naturally be tort reform. Ambulance chasers, would not be able to become millionaires chasing lawsuits at the working man's expense if we outlawed these lawsuits.

The fourth issue would be to restore Medicare and Medicaid money.

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Q: What would a conservative president do to the health care bill?
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