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Most carnivores are called "Keystone Predators" which means they can change hunting tactics instantly if certain prey numbers are low. When carnivores are wiped out, prey grows in numbers a lot, and weaker genes spread as the weaket prey is not killed. The producers of the food chain (grass e.t.c) also drastically decrease in amounts and potentially threaten to wipe out the prey species that rely on it. In short, the prey would populate areas very quickly and would deplete all food sources before they could replenish. Massive populations of animals would starve to death similar to lemmings. In the long term eventually a specific group of animals would evolve to become predators much like mammals did when dinosaurs died off.

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13y ago
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7y ago

If the carnivores died then there would be no predators to eat the herbivores. The numbers of herbivores would increase and they would eat all the vegetation. When there is no more food most of the herbivores would die. Some would manage to survive until the vegetation grows again. Maybe the vegetation would not regrow then the landscape would become desert.

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8y ago

At this point, since we've killed off almost all of the natural predators, some of them would overpopulate and starve to death. We've made it necessary to cull some of the animals because they have no natural predators left.

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Q: What would happen if all carnivores died what effect with this have on environment?
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