

What would increase insulin secretion in Type II diabetes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Sulfonylurea drugs work by increasing insulin secretions. Examples include Glucotrol, Amaryl, glipizide and many others.

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Q: What would increase insulin secretion in Type II diabetes?
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An example of negative feedback would be a secretion of greater amount of insulin to lower the blood sugar level, and then secretion of greater amount of glucagon to increase the blood sugar level, and then a secretion of a greater amount of insulin to lower the blood sugar level..... etc.

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The hyperglycemia caused by stress would lead to an increased secretion of insulin, which would than lower blood glucose. As a consequence, the blood glucose would not be sustained to deal with continued stress.

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How did insulin affect the world?

Insulin was first injected into a patient with diabetes in the early 1920s. Before then, if one's diabetes could not be regulated, that person would almost always die. After the mass production of insulin, people could manage their diabetes, and it was not a death sentence, as it had once been.

How does the bacteria looks like when you have diabetes?

Ummm...not really sure what you mean. Diabetes is not caused by bacteria so any bacteria would look the same. Diabetes 1 is caused by the body not producing enough insulin and Diabetes 2 is caused by the cells becoming resistant to insulin.

What part of the digestive system makes a hormone called insulin?

That would be the pancreas. When you have diabetes, your pancreas doesn't make enough insulin.

Can you get so many insulin injections that your Diabetes is cured?

No. Diabetes is not cured by using insulin injections. You are giving yourself insulin injections because your body cannot produce enough insulin itself; therefore, if you were not to take the insulin injections you would have further detrimental complications. Once your body stops making insulin, it never "starts" making it again.

Hypo secretion of antidiuretic hormone?

Hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone is known as diabetes insipidus.

Can phenylalanine cause diabetes?

No, phenylalanine is entirely unrelated to diabetes. Diabetes in its three forms is a metabolic disorder involving insulin, a hormone normally secreted in response to elevated blood sugars. Phenylalanine is an amino acid. Amino acids serve primarily as the building blocks of proteins, among other functions. As an amino acid, phenylalanine has no direct impact on blood sugar and thus has no impact on secretion of insulin or the need for insulin. Of course, amino acids can be converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis under certain physiological conditions, however this would not contribute to the development of diabetes, as it is a highly regulated response to low blood sugar. Type II diabetes can result from chronic elevation of blood sugars.

How do you treat feline diabetes?

Treatment of diabetes in ferrets - First is what caused the ferret to have diabetes? Once the diagnosis of diabetes is reached, treatment ferrets is a complicated. Diabetes mellitus is uncommon in ferrets, though not unheard of, and it can be a transient condition after insulinoma surgery. The causes of diabetes that are likely affect ferrets - the first is due to pancreatic destruction. Two common causes for pancreatic damage that may affect the secretion of insulin are insulinoma surgery and pancreatitis. Diabetes that develops secondary to insulinoma surgery is probably the most common form of diabetes and tends to be transient. refer to link below for more information