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I just had that problem a mechanic will tell you its the alternator but its not its a part of the alternator called the TENSIONER BELT ASSEMBLY IT MAKES THE ALTERNATOR GRIND BECAUUSE ITS WORKING SO HARD TO TURN GET IT FIXED BEFORE U NEED A WHOLE ALTERNATOR PLUS THE TENSIONER N THE TENSION PULLEY

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Q: What would make a grinding noise while im on the gas?
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You probably have something wrong with your engine, or brakes. You should really have that checked.

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lol change your brake pads they make a grinding noise when its time to replace

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Its kind of a grinding screeching metal on metal noise.

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Check the idler pully.

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The starter could grind if the bendix is sticking

What noise would a bad inner cv joint make?

It could make a grinding type noise when moving slow. A "whirrr" type whine when moving faster. The grinding noise may change to a clunking noise when turning the wheel. Any of these noises means "fix me now or else."

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it could be belt pulley rubbing on the timing belt cover or it could be the berries in the wheel but if its making grinding noise while ilding then def check your pulley make sure it isn't rubbing on anything or it could be the flywheel theres numbers of things to check over for the grinding noise

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The grinding is a worn CV joint. Get it replaced before it causes more damage! A worn wheel bearing will make the same noise answer worn wheel bearings or worn brake pads will be the cause

What is it mean when your 2006 VW Jetta makes a loud grinding noise?

We would need to know where the noise was coming from and under what conditions it made the noise in order to make an assessment.