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Do the appropriate things, such as call the police, make sure that the workplace is secure (that he cannot walk into your office) and, possibly drive different routes home to avoid him. Most importantly, you and your child should not stay with him any longer. This is probably the hardest part for you, but the abuse is a deal breaker for the relationship and you need to leave him. Get help from a therapist so you have the real support you need. Take pictures of the car and then call the police. If they're doing their job it shouldn't be hard to get them to take any finger prints or shoe marks to trace your ex and throw his butt in jail. Give family and coworkers some credit for intelligence as most won't believe him anyway. You know the truth and that's all that matters. Good luck Marcy "I" would have alerted the authorities immediately. "I" would have filed a complaint with them and had the abuser arrested, and "I" would not rest until he was convicted, and sentenced. "I" also would have that person removed from my home, or "I" would remove myself from his home and presence immediately. In my opinion (Pay attention here now) "HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU". People who love you do not want you to be hurt, nor do they want to hurt you themselves. Also in my opinion, If this person did this to you why do you care what co-workers, family, and friends of his think? Yes, friends of HIS. You I am sure don't have any friends of your own that he will allow you to see or talk to, and if someone is truly YOUR friend, they won't believe what he says anyway. Good luck, and Get help now.

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Q: What would you do if your significant other and father of your child was physically abusive to you and kicked the doors in on your car and told family coworkers and friends that you were the abuser?
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