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Q: What year of the first Texas constitution written?
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Michigan's first constitution was written and approved in 1835. Updated versions of the constitution were ratified in Michigan in 1850, 1908, and 1963.

What year was the constitution in us written?

The US Constitution was written in 1787.

What statements describes why 1876 was an important year in Texas history?

The current Texas state constitution was adopted in that year.

What year did they write the constitution?

The Constitution was written in 1781.

When did the Missouri Constitution go into effect?

The first Missouri Constitution was written in 1820 and went into effect that same year. The current Missouri Constitution was adopted and went into effect in 1945.

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The year the constitution was written?

The United States of America's constitution was written in the year 1787.The U.S. Constitution was drafted on September 17, 1787. It became effective March 4, 1789. The first ten amendments (the "Bill of Rights") were ratified December 15, 1791.

Who founded the state of Texas?

The constitution of 1876 mandated a establishment of "university of first class". Therefore, the Congress of the Republic of Texas founded the 'University of Texas' which was opened in the year 1883.

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The Wyoming constitution was written over a 25 day period in September of 1889.