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One: God never said that he'd come make in six thousand years only that he would come back like a thief in the night. The exact date of Jesus' coming again is uknown for sure.

Two: Scientists believe in evolution and there guesses maybe way off if you believe The Bible, the book of Genisis records that in the begining God created everything in six days. So we know then that evolution is false. But evolutoin and creation can not be proven fact. They both take faith to be able to believe.


Evidence from Peter's writing (II Peter 3) seems to point to what looks like a "7000 year week" in God's plan regarding man. He says with God, "one day is as a thousand years" and a "thousand years as one day."

The Bible prophesys of Jesus returning to cut man's rule on the earth short (so that he doesn't kill off all life on the planet - Matt.24:22), destroying all of man's governments and ruling over the nations for a "thousand years." Which, according to Peter, is one day.

It is prophesied for the "END" of man's time of rulership on earth, suggesting that this thousand year "Sabbath of the Lord" at the end of man's rule may well be the culmination of a corresponding "6-day week" of, according to Peter's writing, "6000 years."

In other words... man is being given "6 days" (6000 years) to "labour and do all his works"... but the "7th day" (1000 years) is the Sabbath of the Lord his God. And in it, he shall not do any work. (see the Sabbath Commandment - Ex.20:8-11)

Man's apparent 6000 years of his existence, however, is not dependent on how old the earth is. The "creation account" of the earth in Genesis 1 is actually speaking of the "RE-creation" of the EARTH beginning in verse 3.

A study of the first two verses of Genesis 1 reveals a time gap of any number of years, centuries, millennia, (insert any number you want) between them.

God didn't make the earth a formless mess... it BECAME that way AFTER He made it. Isaiah was inspired to tell us that God didn't make it that way "IN THE BEGINNING."

"...God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, HE CREATED IT NOT IN VAIN..." (Isa.45:18).

The word, "vain" in Isaiah 45 is the SAME HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED WORD USED IN Genesis 1:2!

God didn't create the world a formless, desolate wasteland in the beginning. He made it the way God makes anything - PERFECTLY!

The earth "became" that way sometime AFTER God created it, perfectly. And the time gap between the two events isn't given.

There are, however, other scriptures that may provide some insight as to what might have happened. The Bible tells us that "there was war in heaven" (Rev.12:7) in which Satan and his angels rebelled against God. And since there is no mention of it AFTER the "re-creation" account... might it have happened long before man was made?

Satan was already Satan in the Garden of Eden, not Lucifer. He and his angels weren't battling Michael and his angels in heaven after man was made. The war was already over.

Jesus said: "...I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." (Luke 10:18)

When did Jesus see this? Jesus didn't see Satan falling in the "temptation"... Satan was offering Him the earth and all its governments that were already his. Satan was already on the earth when man was made. When did Satan make this fall?

It may be hard to imagine a war between "spirit powers"... or maybe not so much with our modern computer-generated space movies these days... but what might have been the result of an army of spirit beings falling to the earth?

Might it have destroyed the once-perfect planet? Might it have become a formless, desolate, smoldering ruin in the midst of space?

Just a thought.

In any case, any amount of time could have elapsed between verses one and two of Genesis 1, when God (Jesus Christ - John 1:3 & 10) made the universe and the earth (and who knows how long that took), and the time of its destruction (whatever caused it).

But sometime after that, Jesus remade the earth, beginning with verse 3 of Genesis 1, prepared it for made whom He made on the sixth day. And His Father's 7000 year plan began.

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Q: When God said in 6000 years he'd come back scientist say weve been on earth for like a million years im confused?
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