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I do not agree because every new technology,we get from the traditional is a main core of new technology and without it we can not develop new technology, for instance the scentists and researchers as well as technicians and technical persons get wounderful and reasonable ideas of new technologies from the past technology.

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Q: When a country develops its technology the traditional skills and ways of life die out Is it pointless to try and keep them alive do you agree or disagree with the statement?
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When a country develops its technology the traditional skills and ways of life die out Is it pointless to try and keep them alive?

jamil from taxila PAKISTAN overall, i disagree with the opinion expressed.i would like to begin by pointing out that'traditional skills & ways of life'are automatically of one country,but of a culture or many ways, the history of civillisation is the history of technology;from te discovery of fire to the invention of wheel to the development of the internet, we have been moving on from preious ways of doing things.some technologies ,suchwe weapons of mass destruction,are of negative impact.others ,such as medical advances,positively help people to live better or longer,& so very much help traditional ways of life.surely,few people would seekj toi preserve such traditional as living in caves!

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When a country develops its technology the traditional skills and the ways of life die out?

I can not totally agree with this opinion. I believe we have to try and keep the traditional skills and the ways of life alive. There are some reasons why I think so.First, the technology which a country develops bases on past technology. Without past technology, we can not create new technology. And past technology means the traditional technology. For example, sometimes scientists get a wonderful idea from ancient technology. Furthermore some famous scientific discoverments break ancient ideas. So it is obvious that it is difficult to develop our technology without them.Second, the speed of the development of our technology is increasing rapidly. Even the people in developed countries can not catch up with it. This means there is a possibility that we can not fit with new technology. We do not know the bad side of new technology, because people tend to get just benefits from it. As a result, we destroy environment, in addition we suffer from such destruction. If we kept and spent under the traditional ways of life, this problem would never occur. So we have to keep the traditional ways of life alive to protect us from such disasters, even if it does not seem to bring benefit to our lives.Finally, we can learn many things from the traditional skills and ways of life. they are our history. Though it is difficult to touch our history by our own hands, we can learn it directly from the traditional skills and ways of life if we keep them alive. It is the best way to teach our own history to children. So we should leep them alive.In conclusion, we have to try and keep them alive. It is because we can not live without them and we can get much knowledge from them.

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