

When and where does Rigel appear in the sky?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Rigel is in the constellation of Orion the hunter, it is visible from Earth during the period of Northern Winter - at night.

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Q: When and where does Rigel appear in the sky?
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Is Rigel brighter or dimmer?

Rigel is one of the brightest stars in the sky.

What colors do Rigel and Beltergeuse stars appear to us?

Rigel: Blue-whiteBetelgeuse: Red

Who discovered Rigel?

Rigel has been visible in the night sky for over 8 million years. It would have been seen by the first creatures who looked up into the night sky. So no one can be said to have discovered Rigel.

Would the star Rigel appear in the same place in exactly a week?

Wherever the star Rigel appears at some time tonight, it will appear in exactly the same place in the sky seven nights from tonight, about 1/2 hour earlier. (This is assuming that you're standing in the same place when you look for it the second time.)

What constellation is the star Rigel in?

The Rigel star is a star in the Orion constellation. Rigel is the brightest star in the Orion constellation, and it is the seventh brightest star seen in the night's sky.

Who discovered Rigel star?

Rigel is a binary star system. It was discovered by F.G.W. Struve in 1831. It is the third brightest star system in the night sky.

Who discovered the star rigel?

Rigel is a binary star system. It was discovered by F.G.W. Struve in 1831. It is the third brightest star system in the night sky.

What is the sixth brightest star in the sky?

If you include the Sun, then Vega. Otherwise Rigel.

Which was discovered first Betelgeuse or Rigel?

Betelgeuse and Rigel are both in the top 10 brightest stars in the sky. They have been seen bright in the sky even since cavemen looked up. So, they were discovered about the same time.

Betelgeuse appears red in the sky Rigel appears very white Which one is hotter?

Rigel is much hotter. Red is the lowest temp. blue and white are the hottest

Can you see the rigel star?

Yes. Rigel is the right leg of the constellation Orion and is the 6th or 7th brightest star in the sky. Rigel and all of Orion are best seen in Winter (Summer for the Southern Hemisphere) and are close to directly overhead at around 10:00 PM at Christmas. Rigel can easily be found by locating the Red Supergiant Betelgeuse (10th brightest star in the sky) and the three stars that make Orion's Belt. Rigel is a Blue Supergiant, one of the largest and hottest types of stars.

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