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I was told that there were going to be some coming out, it would just take a while.

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Q: When are Pokemon sleeves going to come out for the Dsi Xl?
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You can't. It has to be in action replay dsi

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Yes and no. Pokemon rumble blast comes out in DS, but 3DS.

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Pokemon Platinum is a DS game, therefore works on the DSi, DSi XL and the 3DS also.

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yes. 1,ooo points come with the DSI for the DSI shop.

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No, there will not be a Pokemon Platinum that is going to be released for the Wii. Pokemon Platinum is solely for the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, and DSi. But, on the wii shop channel u can buy Pokemon ranch for pearl and diamond.

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Is there going to be Nintendo DSi red?

First:I'm from Germany and cannot write so good english.Sorry. So:Yes.There will come a DSi in red but I don't know when it does come to Germany or USA or Big Britain.....

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The DSi LL

Pokemon Platinum doesnt work for dsi?

I don't know,but my Pokemon platinum works fine on my dsi.